Aluminium Windows Melbourne | Double & Triple Glazed
Reasons Why You Should Get Aluminium Double-Glazed Windows
The advantages of having double-glazed windows are now well known. Double glazing is no longer a novelty, as it was back in the dark and cold ages when a wooden frame and some panes of glass were regarded as all you needed. However, the origin of double glazing is surprisingly unclear. You would have thought somebody would have made sure they got the credit for this outstanding invention plus any money they could have made in the process through other people using their brilliant idea. Well, apparently not.
There was a man in the USA in the 1930s who is regarded by many as the father of double glazing, but the Romans had used a form of it a couple of millennia earlier. What the Romans didn’t have was aluminium, so they couldn’t have aluminium double glazed windows. Even in the modern era, from the mid-20th century, when the concept began to take over the world, wood was still regarded as the material to make window frames. People had tried iron, and there are still examples of ugly, ill-fitting, rusty iron double-glazed windows around the place in derelict factories and unloved old buildings.
Double glazing didn’t really take off until aluminium double glazed windows added their crucial part to the equation. Aluminium doesn’t rot like timber, and it doesn’t rust like iron. It is lightweight but strong and you don’t need a tonne of it to make a substantial window frame. Even uPVC, widely regarded as the better material for double glazing, isn’t as sleek as aluminium. It can have a certain bulkiness that you don’t necessarily want. Aluminium frames are slim and elegant. That’s why you still see aluminium double glazed windows in Melbourne and all over Australia: they look great, they’re strong and they’ve got excellent thermodynamic properties, which is what double glazing is all about.
Aluminium Windows Experts in Melbourne
We at Ultimate Windows started out in 2001 using aluminium window frames, and we’re still proud of them for the reasons listed above. In addition, aluminium is very much in line with contemporary thinking. It is mined in Australia – bauxite, that is, the primary ingredient of aluminium – so there isn’t the carbon footprint involved in bringing something here from abroad. It is 100% recyclable, and it is estimated that recycling it uses only 5% of the energy that it took to make the frames in the first place. It all adds up to the ultimate in windows, and when you add in our stylish designs there is no better way of saving your property bills with our energy-efficient windows than our aluminium double glazed windows.
That is why if you are thinking of replacing your windows or building a new property, you may want to consider getting aluminium double glazed windows. And they’re great value for money, too, so you’re saving on bills and getting a great deal upfront. You could call it a double whammy on double glazing. What’s not to like?
Hear Why Clients Love Our uPVC Windows And Doors
Our 12-Year 100%
‘No Worries’ Guarantee
We’re so confident in the performance of our uPVC double glazed windows that we’re willing to back them with our ironclad 100% ‘No Worries’ Guarantee. In fact, while most other double glazing companies will only cover you for 5 years (that’s the Australian Window Association’s recommendation) we’ll add an additional 7 YEARS to it! That’s right. If you have any problems whatsoever with your windows in the next 12-years, we’ll fix it for FREE!
Your Fixed-Price
Quote Guarantee
We pride ourselves on offering our clients a clear and precise price breakdown for all windows and doors – so you know exactly how much it will cost. You will never experience any nasty surprises or hidden fees with Ultimate Windows. That’s our promise to you.
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Ready to claim your free measure and quote, backed by our fixed-price guarantee?
Fill out the form below and one of our friendly experts will soon be in touch to organise a suitable time to discuss your needs. You’ll find out exactly how our affordable uPVC windows can slash your energy bills and improve the
comfort levels in your home!